My Favorite Products
Needle-less Serum
This needle-less serum got my attention right away--a good serum is the cornerstone to your skincare routine and the science on what constitutes a good one keeps changing. Then they sent me another box, again with the needless serum. After I'd been using it for about three months, really enjoying it, I ran out. THAT's when I missed it! My skin seemed a little dull, dry, just not perky. When they sent it to me again, I noticed right away--there it was, what a difference!
This serum has a finer texture than the hyaluronic acid that I previously listed in my favorite products. I continue to use that one on my body but this Needless serum I adore for my face and neck morning and night, every day. I don't miss a day, I love it, it's my new favorite!

Other Favorite Products

Universal Tinted Moisturizer
When you see me on Tuesday mornings in Energy Facial class, I'm wearing this; Universal tinted moisturizer. It has a shear look to it and hydrates really well. I love how it...

Peptide Night Cream
I can't deal with a night cream that is greasy and gets on my pillow case, ew. But at this time of my life, I feel a little dryness, so I use a night cream every night and switch up treatments with how I apply it...