Summertime One

body support foot health tips grounding techniques healing energy life balance mindfulness natural remedies stress-free summer


Have you had some memorable summertime moments? I hope you have.

If not--pitter patter, let's get at 'er!


Walt Whitman said,

"To me, the sea is a continual miracle; the fishes that swim, the rocks, the motion of the waves, the ships with men in them. What stranger miracles are there?"


Thanks Mr. Whitman. As a child of this planet, you are part of the seasons and cycles that keep this rock hovering through space. You are magical and summer is your miracle!

I hope you get to study the wide, blue sky, get some sunshine on your shoulders, notice what's growing in the fields, and taste a sun-ripened peach, or whatever you like to do--to really feel summer.

I went to Idaho to see my grandchildren and cool off for a couple of weeks. I snapped this photo of the wheat field behind the house at sunset.


While I was there I started sleeping deeply; I mean I was going down for the count! I was loving how refreshed I felt and I realized; I had been walking barefoot back and forth across this big lawn everyday playing with the kids. It was the reminder that I needed of how nurturing Mother Earth is. She's always there to help us feel supported and connected. 

It's called earthing. The earth's natural electromagnetic field has a primary frequency of 7.83 Hz. called the Schumann resonance. It acts as the planet's "heartbeat" frequency and we can connect to it through the bottoms of our feet.


Here's a simple summertime Pro Tip: 

When you get the chance to walk barefoot on the grass or sand, walk slowly. Add some deep breathing to create a moment of awareness. Take a moment to breathe in, accept the treat from Mother Earth, and connect. This makes for a loving gift we receive in the summer. 


Until I see you in class again soon, hoping you'll have some Walt Whitman-kind-of-summertime moments and get your feet in the grass.