How To Feel Confident And Look Slim And Shapely In Your Summer Clothes

Don't get me started on the heat--I'm in the freaking desert! But let's talk about dressing for​ the​ hot weather. I know that you, like me, are wearing clothes that keep you cool​--and that means baring more skin. We all ​have moments of ​feel​ing​ a little uncomfortable about what we're baring so let's be smart about your summer body and how you're managing it. Here are my best tips for looking great in summer clothes:
When the shadows are short in the morning, the sun offers more gentle exposure which causes ​much-needed ​vitamin D synthesis. Allowing your eyes to "see the light of day" in the morning triggers the release of ​serotonin, a neurotransmitter that promotes feelings of ​well-being. Morning sunlight also increases alertness and your ability to focus. It helps balance hormones and regulates your circadian rhythms, so you sleep soundly. The studies show if you get 10 to 15 minutes of morning sun it makes a noticeable difference. Be smart about sun exposure; accept the goodness it offers and protect yourself with hats, SFP, and shade when the sun is high.
Linen is the most high​-​vibrational fabric; it feels natural to your energy field. It's ​breathable and ​lightweight and even though it is wrinkle prone--that can be part of its charm if you choose it in a style that it is less tailored or "buttoned down" with a more casual ​sensibility. 100% cotton is next in line for being high​-​vibrational and keeping you comfortable. Spend as little time as possible in spandex, polyester, acrylic, and nylon.
Choose clean, less frilled, fussy lines with enough room to move. Feeling packed into spandex is not a ​carefree feeling and not ​your ​best​ summer look. Fewer ruffles and less bus​y​ness allow you to feel like you can be yourself as you move about the cabin. A ​great-fitting pair of black shorts is a summer basic. You can wear them anywhere depending on your accessories. Choose two or three interchangeable tops in your most flattering colors. If you want to ​"​bling it up​"​ choose a ​fun pair of sandals. Metal details are easy to find now and super fun.
When it comes to my best pics for ​exercises, you can throw two strikes with one pitch and double the impact by taking a brisk morning full-stride walk. Use your morning sun time to walk taking comfortably large steps--at a faster pace. This style of ​cardio ​walking trims the hips and upper thighs which helps you look good in shorts! Planks and side planks keep your tummy flat, and pushups sculpt and tone your arms so you​'re ready to wear​ ​sleeveless tops.
​Don't let feeling self-conscious be the giveaway​. Feeling uncomfortable in summer clothes shows in how you carry yourself. Practice grounding daily. Own your space, lift up from the notch of the ribs​,​ and set your shoulder​s​ back and down. This creates space around your third chakra which ​makes you feel more powerful. It also gives the appearance of a trimmer waistline and when you walk upright with your head set ​directly above your shoulders​, (not out in front) and with your eyes looking ahead, (not down at the ground) you are presenting yourself with conviction and elegance.
​Since now is not the time to hide behind a big sweater​, let me remind you that you are far more lovely than you may realize. ​
Don't overthink it, keep your cool​ about keeping cool.